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İnci Holding Has a Joyful 30th Anniversary Celebration

İnci Holding Has a Joyful 30th Anniversary Celebration

2 Temmuz 2017

İnci Holding, whose foundations were laid by Cevdet İnci in 1952 operates in different sectors from logistics to waste management in addition to its main field of automotive sub-industry, and is home to such industrial giants as İnci Akü, HL Jantaş, HL İnci and İncitaş, marked its 30th anniversary with a ceremony and a concert held on Saturday 2 June 2012 at the Izmir Arena. Candan Erçetin’s songs delighted the guests at the concert for all İnci Holding and all group companies managers and employees as well as their families.


Master of Ceremonies Aslan Arım welcomed the guests with a speech before the İnci Holding Children’s Choir took the floor at the İnci Holding 30th Anniversary Celebration. Composed of 8-to-14-year-old children of İnci Group employees, the choir sang to great acclaim by the audience. The İnci Holding Percussion Show followed, to a similarly enthusiastic reception.  Winners of the ‘Respect the Environment, Respect Life’ painting contest organised by the İnci Environment Group for employees’ children were then given their awards.


‘Today, the 30th anniversary of İnci Holding gives us the occasion to celebrate the incorporation of all holding companies. Because this was a milestone, we chose to set up this great scene with our family of 5,000 instead of holding separate celebrations. We celebrate and we are proud because we’ve established wonderful companies, each of which represents a different success story. The companies we have structured are solid enough to exist for ever, and I am sure that our children and their children will share this pride for many years to come. The future is ours. Today, here, at this gathering, we are not only celebrating our past success but in fact announcing and celebrating the success of the future. I congratulate all our employees for all this fantastic performance and wish many happy years full of further success stories to share,’ said Chairman of the Board of Maxion İnci and Maxion Jantaş Mustafa Zaim, who was invited to the stage.


President of İnci Holding Meral İnci Zaim was invited to the stage next. She started her speech by saying ‘Turk, learn, work, and trust!... said our great leader Atatürk. Today I say, Have Fun and Be Proud. Because you’ve trusted, you’ve worked!’. Pointing out that the 30th Anniversary was the first time that İnci Family and all employees have got together to celebrate the founding of all the Group companies, Meral İnci Zaim continued, ‘When we look at many leading companies, we see that they are always ahead of their time; as pioneers of change, they not only influence their environment but also influence their society and even the world. Our founder, my father Cevdet İnci, was a leading businessman of the period of transition from an agricultural to an industrial society of our young republic. He not only laid the foundations of today’s group of companies, but also led a success story that has been going on for 60 years in our country since the founding of İncitaş, by passing on to us, from generation to generation, his ambition and faith in development and progress. You have all made great contributions to this success story. The creators of this masterpiece are our friends at İnci Holding as well as their spouses, elders and children who support them. When I think of you, I picture a big family, strongly holding on to one another with love, warm, sincere and hardworking members all. We are so glad to have you! I am so glad to be the president of such a group!’


At the plaque ceremony held at İnci Holding’s 30th Anniversary Celebration, employees who have been working at İnci Holding and İnci Group companies for 30 years or more received plaques. İsmail Sayar, Ömer Taşçı, and Memnune Yarenci İnci, who have been working at İnci Group Companies through three generations, also received plaques for ‘working passion carried from generation to generation and efforts in İnci Group’.


After the plaque ceremony and photo shoot, Meral İnci Zaim invited the İnci Holding Synergy Group to the stage and ‘İnci Holding Values’ were read together with all the employees.


After the employees watched İnci Holding’s short introductory film with interest, Candan Erçetin took the stage, to entertain the guests at the Izmir Arena with her songs, enthusiastically accompanies by İnci Group employees. İnci Holding’s 30th Anniversary party ended with the Izmir March, sung by Candan Erçetin and the İnci Holding Children’s Choir.

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